Skincare routine and what product you should use

Hey everyone in today’s post I decided to talk to you about skincare routine and what do you should use every one of you should have a skin care routine day and night taking care of yourself is an amazing thing and you will always feel great about it a lot of us take care more about our head and we make masks for our hair to refresh the skin but guess what your hair’s Skin is the same as the rest of your skin You should take care of it so my first and best recommendation for you is to drink a lot of water throughout the day make sure you drink a cup of water once you wake up it will refresh you and freshen up your skin which is also great for your mind and body.

When it comes to washing your face you should wash it with cold water I personally do that every day and it make me feel fresh and it tighten the pores of your face and reduces any wrinkles that may appear it might help you get rid of them all life long so make sure you wash your face with cold water every day when you wake up. 

So one thing that I love to do is after I wash my face with cold water if I’m going to use products I wash it with warm water to open the pores so the products will get into my skin and when I finish I wash my face with cold water against close the pores to prevent any dirty to come inside my skin.

First thing what do you need do use firstly is a cleanser use it the first thing and rub your face with it for like one minute and then wash it you need to clean those pores from any dirt and the products I recommend  to use is Neutorgena I personally love that product especially Hydro boost.

Secondly you should exfoliate there is a lots of great products do you use for your exfoliating put the exfoliated on your face and rub it for a while and then leave it for 1 or 5 minutes then wash it.

Now it’s time for your mask you can use your favorite mask after the mask you can use toner and after it the serum don’t replace them with each other because many people do that. One of the most important thing that you should use is Eye cream so now use your eye cream to prevent any darkness around your eyes we don’t want that, after that put your moisturizer and if you have acne you acne treatment after it.

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