What do you need to know about racism

Racism is the belief that group of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and racism takes many forms it can happen anywhere and at anytime. It includes hatred at someone because of their color, where they are from, their ethnicity. Racism doesn’t need to involve violent but word can hurt more that violent. It consider situation when people get kicked out from a group or activity because of where they are from. Racism can be reveled through people’s actions as well as their attitude. Racism is more than just a word, beliefs and actions. It make people’s life the worse thing racism prevent them from enjoying their life from having their dignity safe and equality because of their race. This need to be stopped. All people hate racism but who does it if all of you hate it and against it why you make it no one born with racist ideas or attitudes. Racism is something that is learned. And parents needs to be aware of that. And everyone who see racism anywhere must get evolves to stop this. Don’t shut your mouth on the bad things that must stop. However, not all racism comes from hatred. Some of it can come from fear and anxiety. Yeah people may worry that some groups pose a threat, weather to the safety of the community, or to the national identity but come on we are all human. Many people experience racist behavior and this has to stop all of us should feel safe anywhere and anytime. Don’t wait for someone to start the good things, start by yourself and others will follow you.

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