3 Questions to ask yourself to find your best self

Hey everyone, today I want to talk to you about something that came up to me and I wanted to share it with you. A few days ago I was surfing the internet and I opened Pinterest I saw a picture written on it questions to find your best self, actually, it made me feel different and those questions made me realize that I should do more for myself, that I should be happier and never be upset. Just ask them to yourself and you will fell what I mean. So these questions are:

1-what do I love about myself.
I think that everyone should ask themselves this question, we always wonder and ask ourselves what do we love about a specific person but have we asked this question to ourselves? No, we don’t and that’s not the right thing to do, you should always know what do you love about yourself so you can embrace it with love and knowing yourself better. 

2-where do I want to be in 5 years.
If you go to any job interview they will ask you where do you see yourself in 5 years, so now imagine yourself interviewing yourself and ask you that question and when you answer it don’t stop-go and start working on it don’t give up ever and remember great things takes time. 

3- who are the people in my life that make me happiest.
You should know who makes you happy, who makes you feel appreciated, who’s taking care of you, who you’re feeling safe with, and always smiling with. Knowing that will make you understand and know the people around you better it will also make you feel more comfortable cuz you know who you should be with to make you happy.

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