Ways of treatment for dry skin

A lot of people face dryness of their skin and it could be so frustrating thing to have especially to women. Although winter and it’s cold and dry weather could increase the dryness of the skin which causes that the skin will lose its soft texture and that’s a bad thing to feel. And that’s why today I’m going to talk to you about different ways that suits everyone to treat their dry skin. 

• Make sure that the skin is hydrated continuously, as it is not beneficial to moisturize only when it is seen dry and neglected when it improves, but should be moisturizing an essential part of the daily skin care schedule.

• Properly moisturize the skin, as it is preferable for the skin to be moistened before moisturizing;  In order to better maintain the moisture inside.  It should also be allowed to dry naturally after applying moisturizer to it, so don’t use hard towels on your skin. 

• Use a moisturizer that is appropriate for the skin type, and change it when the seasons are different in summer and winter.

•  Use a good quality skin cleanser that helps moisturize the skin as well as cleanse it, and be careful to avoid choosing cleansers that contain concentrated odors;  As it contains chemicals that dry out the skin.

• Drink more water in at least two liters each day.  

•Eating more fruits and vegetables;  It provides the skin with vitamins and nutrients necessary to make it moist and healthy. 

• Eat foods that contain healthy fats such as: olives, avocados, nuts, and sardines;  As it stimulates blood flow in the skin, and helps to reach nutrients beneficial to it.

• Avoid eating salty and fried foods;  This is because it dries the skin.

•  Avoid excessive showering more than once a day;  As this works on drying the skin, paying attention to the need to avoid using hot water even when washing the face.  

•Use a moisturizer and sunscreen with a factor of at least 15 when leaving the house. 

• Use a humidifier in the bedroom.  

•Covering the body from harsh weather conditions, such as wind, or hot sun.


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